Art Marketing

How to build a successful Art Business: Dream. Build. Deliver.

This past October the “Virtualize your Art Career Conference” presented by The Clark Hulings Fund for Visual Artists took place. This event focused on the new normal, and how artists can survive and thrive in the upcoming future.Twelve interactive sessions, over two weeks, covered Career Blueprint, Brand Story, Peer Networking, and Sales Strategies. Art Business Experts discussed the future of the art industry, and provided creative strategies for artists to earn and sell their work. It was sponsored by leading art platforms, ArtPlacer being one of them.In our pursuit to help artists thrive throughout the pandemic, we saved a spot to invite an ArtPlacer artist on this incredible experience and Wendy Sharpe, a contemporary landscape painter from Saskatoon, Canada, was selected.

“The Odessa”

Learning Experience

Wendy’s paintings are an homage to way-back-when. Through the use of composition and bright color, Wendy invites the viewer to consider old buildings from a contemporary perspective. Wendy wants to make work that ignites conversation around what once was and what now is.
“For me the biggest struggle in my art business has been taking what’s in my head, my passion and my ambition and building some sort of strategy. I feel like after attending the Conference, I’ve been shown a way of building a thriving art business instead of one that’s barely cost-recovery.”

You can virtually try Wendy’s art in your room on her Discover ArtPlacer Profile.

Her first major realization hit her just 30 minutes into the first session of the Conference. She realized she had been building her creative objectives. She had been stuck with the “I’m self-taught” and “I’m not in New York”, and that had led her not to think more creatively and strategically.
“The Sales Channel workshop blew my mind. During the workshop I was jotting down ideas in response to the questions asked or points made about sales.”
Working through the Career Blueprint section of the Conference, Wendy was shown she had been playing small by not thinking strategically and stepping up to a specific, elaborated goal with the perspective of her artistic legacy.

“Between 2nd and 3rd”

“Connecting with other artists, all at different levels and from around the world, and hearing about their successes and challenges was an incredible opportunity to learn.”

Watch the video

Watch Wendy talk about her amazing experience during the “Virtualize your Art Career Conference”.
ArtPlacer is committed to providing its community with opportunities such as the “Virtualize your Art Career Conference” presented by The Clark Hulings Fund. In these new and challenging times, we would like to contribute as much as possible to artists’ businesses and careers.
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